Semi-Annual Report of Preneed Activity-Certificate of Authority and Branch Registrant

(June 30th Filing due by August 14th and Dec 31st Filing due by February 14th)

Certificate Holders* must file reports semi-annually, within 45 days of June 30th and December 31st. Reports should be submitted for each Certificate Holder as well as each Branch Registrant. Reports are due August 14th and February 14th. The semi-annual report includes, but is not limited to, the balances of trusts, the value of insurance, and the number of contracts written, fulfilled, or cancelled.

The June 30th semi-annual filing is due by August 14th which covers January 1st through June 30th of the reporting period. You will need to submit your semi-annual statements (or combination of quarterly statements). (Online report submission not available at this time.)

The December 31st semi-annual filing is due by February 14th which covers July 1st through December 31st of the reporting year. (Online report submission not available at this time.)

The December 31st semi-annual filing must be accompanied by the following:

  • An annual statement of trust activity from the trustee(s) for each merchandise and services trust account for the preceding calendar year for each Certificate Holder or Branch Registrant. If the trustee(s) changed during the reporting period, then a statement of trust activities from the new trustee as well as the old trustee should be submitted.
  • A policy listing showing the policy activity for the preceding calendar year should be included from each insurer used by the Certificate Holder and/or Branch Registrant to fund post-law preneed contracts.
  • Any Certificate Holders and/or Branch Registrants funding preneed with a Letter of Credit or Surety Bond should submit a detailed listing of the outstanding contract liability under each Letter of Credit or Surety Bond.

If a certificate holder twice defaults in complying with the Semi-Annual reporting requirements the Board may require the certificate holder to report quarterly within 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter. Defaults need not be consecutive.

*COAs that do not have preneed, but branches only, must submit a semi-annual report with the total preneed from all of its branches.

Statements are required to be submitted by mail to:

Alabama Board of Funeral Services                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4276 Lomac Street                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Montgomery, Alabama 36106

ATTENTION: The certificate holder is responsible for submitting the supporting documentation for its funding records (and those of its branches). Your filing is not considered complete until the Board receives the funding statements.

The Certificate Holder should submit the Certificate Holder – Semi-Annual Report and Branch Registrant – Semi-Annual Report(s) for any of its Branch Registrants. Detailed information on how to complete the semi-annual filing is included in the report to be submitted.

It is imperative that your funding statements be submitted with your filing. The filing is not considered complete until the Board has received those statements. The Board cannot review your filing without those statements.


Annual Report of Preneed Activity-Inactive Certificate of Authority and Branch Registrant

If a Certificate Holder becomes inactive for any reason (surrender, expiration, etc.) then the Inactive Certificate Holder – Annual Report must be filed annually, so long as the Inactive Certificate Holder has at least one unfulfilled preneed contract. If the Inactive Certificate Holder has ever funded preneed contracts by trust and has one or more trust funded contracts outstanding/unfulfilled in the reporting year, then the Inactive Certificate Holder must file a statement of trust activities for each merchandise and services trust for the reporting year (January 1st – December 31st) with the Inactive Certificate Holder – Annual Report. The report and the statement from the trustee(s) regarding all trust activities (if applicable) is due within 90 days of the end of the reporting period, January 1st – December 31st (due April 1st). If the Certificate Holder has contracts funded by insurance, then a detailed statement from the insurer showing policy activity must accompany the report.

Annual Report of Trust Activity-Endowment Care Cemetery

Endowment Care Reports are due by April 1 annually. No Cemetery Authority applying to renew its Preneed Certificate of Authority, will be renewed until such time as its Annual Endowment Care Report and the related Annual Endowment Care Trust Statement has been received. Please visit the Renewal of Preneed Certificates page for further information regarding renewals.

All Endowment Care Cemeteries, whether licensed to sell preneed or not, must file a report and trust statement from the trustee on the trust’s activities for the reporting year, annually and within 90 days of the end of the reporting year (due April 1st). The report includes the annual trust statement provided by the trustee and if applicable a copy of each board member’s bond. At the Board’s discretion, the cemetery property sales log may be required to accompany the report as well.

Quarterly reports are due on the following dates:

Due DateReporting Period
February 14thOctober 1 - December 31
May 15thJanuary 1 - March 31
August 14thApril 1 - June 30
November 14thJuly 1 – September 30
  • Quarterly Reporting Only for companies that fall under the following categories:
    1. Companies that have twice defaulted in reporting their Semi-Annual Preneed activity.
    2. Companies that have an approved Financial Statement Waiver.                                                                                                                                                                               Certificate Holder Quarterly Report of Preneed Activity                                                                                                                                                                                                    Branch Registrant Quarterly Report of Preneed Activity                                                                                                                                                                                                 Financial Statement Waiver
  • Bond/Letter of Credit Reporting Pursuant to §34-13-195, companies that use Surety Bonds and/or Letters of Credit in lieu of trusting must file a report documenting the outstanding liabilities of the preneed provider for the previous calendar quarter and the projected liability for the immediately following quarter, shall be prepared by the preneed provider using generally accepted accounting principles, and shall be signed by the chief executive officer or chief financial officer of the preneed provider. The report shall be compiled as of the end of the preneed provider’s fiscal year and updated quarterly.                                                                                                                   General Instructions for Filing Quarterly Report of Preneed Activity-Surety Bond and Letter of Credit                                                                                                                        Quarterly Report of Preneed Activity-Surety Bond and Letter of Credit

Reporting Form